A New Decade

I just got an amazing gift; it was quiet enough, and he was low enough, for me to hear the wings of a turkey vulture, as he circled, looking for a morsel. I heard it, first, before seeing who it was and marveled that these worn out ears that hiss, from years of loud guitar players, could pick up something so subtle. I always tell people to Watch For Signs. Who Dat?

Yes, today is my 70th birthday, and while I am recovering from a war fought in my skin cells, today I feel happy. We get to have a little party, with 1/2 of our kids and 3/5th of our grandchildren, right in our own back yard. The last party was 5 years ago, when I threw myself a Medicare Birthday party, with lots of friends, at our neighbor’s event center, complete with a Country Swing Band It felt like such a milestone that I needed to do something big, to help ease the “pain”. This one feels different and calmer, as I slip into a new way of thinking about life. It reminds me of the Longevity Banquet that we attended, as a young married couple, for a dear friend’s Grandpa. I still have the little red pouch with the lucky coin that was a souvenir from this long, long dinner, where my friend told me to Pace Myself, because there were myriad courses to come. I’ll never forget it or the honor that our friend, Jeff Tom, bestowed upon us, as the only non Chinese folk there.

So, onward to today and all that life has in store fore me, one day at a time. I am a work in progress, looking forward to savoring every day, come what may.

9 thoughts on “A New Decade

  1. What a lovely gift…happy birthday!! I think we’re all works in progress, The trick is to recognize that, and you obviously do.


  2. Lisa,

    I look forward to your posts, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Funny, I read red envelope, long dinners and immediately thought you got to attend a Chinese banquet. Yummy! And happy birthday!

    All the best and may you have many, many more lovely birthdays,

    Sincerely, Carol Soibelman

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. Thank you, Carol. Yes a Longevity Banquet for that 70 year old. I asked my oldest childhood friend, just the other day if it was the same birthday for women. She said no but I will have ask again when and if women get one.


  3. Happy Birthday, dear friend! I had The Medicare Birthday in June, and it wasn’t an easy one. I’ll look forward to, and hope, that my 70th is like yours.


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